- Play
- Shopping
- Antiques
- Boutiques and Unique Shops
- Groceries
- Sporting Goods & Outdoor Gear
- Retail
- Arts & Culture
- Scenic Drives
- Community Recreation Center
- Outdoors
- Museums
- Museum of the Mountain West
- Montrose Historical Museum
- Ute Indian Museum
- Historical Sites and Tours
- Black Canyon National Park
- Camping
- Rock Climbing
- Hiking
- History
- Outfitters & Guides
- Activities
- Hiking
- Fishing
- Golfing
- River Rafting & Kayaking
- Rock Crawling
- Astronomy
- Biking
- Mountain Biking
- Road Biking
- Camping
- Rock Climbing
- Horseback Riding
- Hunting
- Water Sports Park
- Off-Roading
- Birding
- Winter Activities
- Skiing and Snowboarding
- Snowmobiling
- Snowshoeing and Cross Country Skiing
- Ice Climbing
- Fat Biking
- Colorado National Parks Loop
- Wilderness Areas & Parks
- Curecanti National Recreation Area
- Dominguez-Escalante National Conservation Area
- Gunnison Gorge National Conservation Area
- Owl Creek Pass and Silver Jack Reservoir
- Ridgway State Park
- Uncompahgre Plateau
- Grand Mesa National Forest
Antique Trail
Montrose is home to a selection of diverse antique shops featuring an impressive collection of furniture, jewelry, clothing, fine collectibles, and heirlooms. Collectors with an eye for value will discover hidden treasures that make the chase so enjoyable.