- Play
- Shopping
- Antiques
- Boutiques and Unique Shops
- Groceries
- Sporting Goods & Outdoor Gear
- Retail
- Arts & Culture
- Scenic Drives
- Community Recreation Center
- Outdoors
- Museums
- Museum of the Mountain West
- Montrose Historical Museum
- Ute Indian Museum
- Historical Sites and Tours
- Black Canyon National Park
- Camping
- Rock Climbing
- Hiking
- History
- Outfitters & Guides
- Activities
- Hiking
- Fishing
- Golfing
- River Rafting & Kayaking
- Rock Crawling
- Astronomy
- Biking
- Mountain Biking
- Road Biking
- Camping
- Rock Climbing
- Horseback Riding
- Hunting
- Water Sports Park
- Off-Roading
- Birding
- Winter Activities
- Skiing and Snowboarding
- Snowmobiling
- Snowshoeing and Cross Country Skiing
- Ice Climbing
- Fat Biking
- Colorado National Parks Loop
- Wilderness Areas & Parks
- Curecanti National Recreation Area
- Dominguez-Escalante National Conservation Area
- Gunnison Gorge National Conservation Area
- Owl Creek Pass and Silver Jack Reservoir
- Ridgway State Park
- Uncompahgre Plateau
- Grand Mesa National Forest
Wilderness Areas & Parks
Destinations & Attractions
Great destinations surround Montrose – the problem is choosing which one to enjoy. It’s a great problem to have.
Plan to meander through each destination at a leisurely pace, or make a ‘bucket list’ and visit them in rapid fashion – it’s up to you. But be forewarned – you may find yourself rearranging your plans to take a little more time to “Look Deeper” at some of the treasures you discover.