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- Community Recreation Center
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- Museum of the Mountain West
- Montrose Historical Museum
- Ute Indian Museum
- Historical Sites and Tours
- Black Canyon National Park
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- Rock Climbing
- Hiking
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- River Rafting & Kayaking
- Rock Crawling
- Astronomy
- Biking
- Mountain Biking
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- Camping
- Rock Climbing
- Horseback Riding
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- Water Sports Park
- Off-Roading
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- Snowshoeing and Cross Country Skiing
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- Fat Biking
- Colorado National Parks Loop
- Wilderness Areas & Parks
- Curecanti National Recreation Area
- Dominguez-Escalante National Conservation Area
- Gunnison Gorge National Conservation Area
- Owl Creek Pass and Silver Jack Reservoir
- Ridgway State Park
- Uncompahgre Plateau
- Grand Mesa National Forest
FUNC Fest - August 8 & 9, 2025
Calling all water sports enthusiasts and fun-loving folks to come out and enjoy the annual Fun on the Uncompahgre, aka “FUNC Fest” for two fun-filled days of activities, both on and off of the water. The event will occur at the Montrose Rotary Amphitheater on August 8 and at the Montrose Water Sports Park in Riverbottom Park on August 9, 2025.
More information regarding these events will follow. If you have any questions, please contact Thomas Ceniceros via email or by phone (970-252-4881).
FUNC-y Line-Up!
FUNC Fest features a full schedule of water sports competitions, live music, activities for the whole family, local vendors, a food truck village, and a beer garden!
Live Music @ the Montrose Rotary Amphitheater and Riverbottom Park
FUNC Fest 2025 kicks off with FREE live music on Friday, August 8, at the Montrose Rotary Amphitheater, complete with a food village to complement the festive spirit with food and beverages.
Along with FUNC-y fun on the river at the Water Sports Park on Saturday, August 9, live musical entertainment will round out the day.
Water Sports Competitions
- Riverbottom Downriver Race
Go fast and take chances. This time-trial downriver race begins at Chipeta Park and ends at Riverbottom Park. Racers will be released at 1-minute intervals and paddle roughly 2.25 miles to the finish line. Learn more ... - Youth Flow Fury Boogie Board Championships
Ride the river's rhythm and conquer the currents in our adrenaline-fueled boogie-boarding showdown! Compete against the flow and fellow thrill-seekers in this ultimate river wave bodyboarding challenge. Held at the Montrose Water Sports Park in Riverbottom Park. Learn more ... - FUNCy Down River Kayak Rodeo
Did someone say RODEO? Also known as playboating or rodeo kayaking, this form of kayaking competition is super entertaining for spectators. Competitors stay in one feature and perform a variety of acrobatic moves and tricks. A panel of judges will score the contestants and determine the winners. Held at the Montrose Water Sports Park in Riverbottom Park. Learn more ... - Mighty UNC Kayak & SUP Cross-Comp
Stand-up paddle boarding (SUP) and kayak cross races combine sport with the adrenaline rush of navigating challenging river rapids and obstacles head-on. Athletes race downriver around buoys in heats, aiming to cross the finish line ahead of their opponents. Whitewater kayak and SUP cross events blend the excitement of river rapids with skill, technique, courage, and luck. Held at the Montrose Water Sports Park in Riverbottom Park. Learn more ... - Western Slope River Surf Comp
River surfing (on stationary river waves) in Colorado is rapidly gaining popularity. FUNC Fest will host a light-hearted river surfing competition to showcase Colorado’s top-rated river waves in Montrose. Held at the Montrose Water Sports Park in Riverbottom Park. Learn more ...
2024 Competition Results
About Montrose Water Sports Park
The Water Sports Park (WSP), located on the Uncompahgre River in Riverbottom Park in the heart Montrose’s premier parks complex, consists of 1,000 feet of river channel. The WSP is one of the largest in the state of Colorado and one of the few in the U.S. to be accessible by ADA standards. Designed with all citizens in mind, from ankle waders to expert kayakers, the WSP is complemented by terraced spectator and beach areas, allowing a safe space for viewing right on the river. Sustained irrigation flows on the Uncompahgre River make the park an enticing destination through late summer, long after other parks have lost their luster.
Get More Info!
Visit the Water Sports Park Page
To contact our Pavilion and Community Events Coordinator, Thomas Ceniceros, email tceniceros@cityofmontrose.org or call 970.252.4881! You can also call the Montrose Visitor Center at 970.497.8558 for general information on FUNC Fest.
Montrose Attractions
Many of Colorado’s most outstanding places are accessible only on foot. Montrose is surrounded by...
Rock Climbing
Rock and ice climbers of all skill levels will find climbing adventures to their liking in the Montrose area....
From deep canyon pools and gently braided runs, to high country lakes and magnificent reservoirs, Montrose...
Mountain Biking
The public lands adjacent to Montrose have numerous mountain bike routes in three general geographic areas.
Montrose, located in historic southwest Colorado, offers a cultural treasure chest in the city’s three...
Rock Crawling
Take your off-road experience to the extreme on six rock crawling trails located just a few miles west of...
River Rafting & Kayaking
Each spring, snow melt from the surrounding mountains brings increased water flow to our local rivers along...
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Filled with eclectic shops, restaurants, brew pubs, galleries, and more, Montrose's charming downtown is...